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Setting up users

Creating a new user

  1. Go to Settings -> Users
  2. Click '+ Add User' (top right of the page)
  3. Fill in the required details (First name, Last name, and e-mail address)
  4. Press 'Create'

The user is now created.

Assigning a role

By default the user is created with the [Regular user] role.

The global user roles are explained below:

User roleAccess rights
Read onlyCan view all data in the app, but cannot create, update or delete objects. Cannot contribute to control testing and issue resolution. Cannot be assigned as control or asset owner
Regular userCan participate in control testing, view reporting, and be assigned to controls, assets and risks. Cannot modify other users of change global settings.
Super userCan do everything the regular user can, but can also modify global settings, and can create, modify and delete other users.

At this stage the user is not yet able to login to the app, and will not receive any notifications. But you can already start assigning the user responsibilities for controls, assets and risks. This way you can setup the entire app in preparation for roll-out into the organisation.


If your organisation is using Tidal in 'strict mode' then there's an additional layer of role-based access control available which you should setup for regular users.

This additional layer means that users start without access to view controls, risks and assets that they're not explicitly assigned a role on. The 'contributor' role allows users to contribute (post, upload evidence) to tests related to the object where they have this role. The 'owner' role is needed to create, modify and delete those tests, and the objects that they belong to.

The next step is to invite the user to the app.

Inviting users

Once everything is setup, take the following steps to invite the user to Tidal. The user will receve an introductory e-mail, which includes a link to Tidal and a link where the user can set/change their password. Once they have changed their password they will be able to log in to Tidal.

  1. Go to Settings -> Users
  2. Click the three dots menu underneath 'Actions'
  3. Select [Invite user]

Resetting user password

If a user lost their password and you are a super user then you can reset it via the app.

  1. Go to Settings -> Users
  2. Click the three dots menu underneath 'Actions'
  3. Select [Reset password]

The user will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to reset their password.

Removing users

You can remove Tidal user accounts from the Users page:

  1. Go to Settings -> Users
  2. Click the three dots menu underneath 'Actions'
  3. Select [Delete user]

The user will no longer be able to access Tidal Control.


This won't affect any data in Tidal: controls, tests etc. all remain the same. However, once deleted, the places where you would normally see the user's name will now show "Unknown user"